Privacy Policy

General provisions

This paper explains the Privacy Policy of the “Morkwa” LLC. for the collection and usage of the personal information by their websites and mobile Apps (Services).

The goal of this Privacy Policy is to guarantee protection of the information for the users, including their personal information, and prevent it from unauthorized access and public disclosure.

While the user is loading and using the app, he agrees with terms of the present Privacy Policy. In case of user’s disagreement with the terms of the present Privacy Policy the Apps must be deleted by the user from the memory of his device.

We don’t gather any personal information about the children in our will not demand to provide any information and will not document any facts about you except:

(1) materials about the length and arrangements for using our app, for example, what kind of images you were looking through and what kind of activities you were making while using our mobile apps.
(2) materials of parent’s e-mail address, which showed willingness to get newsletters (the required e-mails are used only for registering and receiving newsletters).

We are registering the standard data of the User’s social network Facebook account ( and/or any other social network accounts that users they provide us in order to use our Apps providing that the user will use their social network to interact with other users through our Apps at their own discretion.

Nobody, except the members of our company, do have the access to the information that is indicated above.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our apps, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that we request will be retained by us and used as described in this privacy policy.

We collect personal data related to users of our Applications.

In each of the sections listed below, we describe how we obtain your personal data and how we handle it.

We may obtain your personal data from the following sources:
From you directly (through the game, website or online forms); and/or
From third parties, service providers that are assisting us in providing you with an application (for example, Google, Apple, etc).

In general, the information we collect about you relates to the type of device you are using, information that helps us identify your device, how you play our applications and may include information that you submit to us when you voluntarily contact us. We may also collect information from app store platforms and partners and other third parties such as information about your interests and in-app purchases (provided that we never receive your payment or credit card information).

Technical Information
We collect technical information about your device that is necessary for you to use our applications and additional technical data that enables us to maintain and analyze the functioning of the application and to personalize the content of the application. Such information includes amongst others the type of device(s) you are using to play our applications, persistent identifiers, such as IP address, device identifiers, ad identifiers, unique user ID specific for our applications, and the country or region that you are playing in.

Persistent identifiers (such as Device ID and IP address) are identifiers that do not identify you personally, but may uniquely identify your device. Such online identifiers provided by end user devices, applications, tools and protocols are considered as personal information according to data protection legislation. Please check the rights you have under data protection legislation in the Section “Your Rights”.

We automatically collect certain information about your computing device, including:
IP address; Country, city or region; Language; Locale (specific location where a given language is spoken); Time zone, session start/stop time, Network status (WiFi, etc.), browser plug-in types and versions; User agent string (UA), platform, SDK version, timestamp; UDID (Device ID)
Technical device information (e.g. device model and name, operating system name and version, CPU information, screen size, firmware, software, mobile phone carrier, Internet service provider, API key identifier for application, Android ID, Android Serial No);

Service Usage Information

When you use our applications, we collect additional information from you by using persistent identifiers that permit identification of your device. We collect information about how you play our applications. Such information is used for delivering and improving our application, cross-promotion and analytics purposes.

We collect information, including log information, that lets us know:
How you play our applications (”Game progress events” means how often you play the app, for how long you use the app, the events that occur within the app, in-app location, in-app purchases you make and their value, aggregated usage, performance data, life time value of user etc.);

Some applications may use third party services, that may collect information used to identify you.
Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app:

Google Play Services

Observation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

We follow rules of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, that came into operation on 1 July 2013 («COPPA»).
Our sites and mobile apps satisfy the requirements of «COPPA». We don’t collect personal information from kids under 13 years and if the user will show that he is under 13 years, during a support call or another form of feedback, we won’t receive or save their personal information and will delete their account.

Newsletter and User Support

To get the information about new apps, that we release and another news of our company, you need to let us know your e-mail address. We offer parents to subscribe for free newsletters. We send news via emails in accordance with the rules in part 312(c)(3) of COPPA. We notify the users that:
1. We use your e-mail address only for newsletters;
2. We use only e-mail address, without any other facts:
3. User can unsubscribe from getting newsletters at any time.
Our newsletters is generated through third parties, providing communication services, so we let them know email addresses only for news subscriptions.
If you need support while using our mobile apps, you can send us an email contact us through follow-up form on our website. If you will send request for support , we will ask for your email address and other relevant information, that you let us know with your request (“User Support request”) We will use information you sent only to answer on your request.

The User Support request form is available only for internal processes of work of our website and Apps in accordance with Section 312.2 of the COPPA rules. .
We will not provide your email address to anyone accept in the cases specified in present Privacy Policy.

Push Notifications

Through our mobile apps we can send you push notifications from time to time, to provide you update data for games and other related messages to our services, that might be important for you. You can give up from communication of this type at any time by turning it off via changing appropriate settings on your device.


When you visit our website, we can send to your computer cookies, that allow us to define your browser.
We use cookies to improve the quality of service, by saving user preferences and tracking user’s information.
Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies and to configure browser for informing, when cookies are sent to you.

Disclosure of information

Advertising companies don’t get information about you from our services and website. We don’t allow advertising companies to collect information through our services and websites.

Links referring to websites of third parties

We can provide links referring to the websites of third parties. On our sites and in our apps there can be advertisements, buttons and links leading to sites and services of the third parties, such as Facebook, Twitter, Vk and other. Websites and services of third parties can contain links leading to our websites and apps. The existence of this links don’t mean that we are related or in any way connected with these third parties and share their approved policies and principles.
We are not responsible for the content of Privacy Policy or websites of any third parties.

Changes in Privacy Policy

We have the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without prior notice and at its own discretion at any time.
In making changes to Privacy Policy we will tell users this information by posting the new version of Policy on out site The date of the last update is indicated in the relevant version of Privacy Policy.

Our contacts

If you have any questions in connection with our Privacy Policy, please, send your request to

The last update: on 21 June 2021.

Connect with us